F-L-A-M-E! The Return of the Fire Ignis!
Published on January 23rd, 2025
Updated on January 25th, 2025
January 24th Update
- Unlock Soulburner and Flame Alt Style for Soulburner by completing Challange #3
- After completing the Alt Style Tutorial, complete various missions to unlock Soulburner and Flame 's exclusive Skills and other rewards!
- Soulburner and Flame have replaced Soulburner at the Gate. Check out the updated Farm Deck.
Event Information
- Soulburner is here and is coming with an unlockable Alt Style!
- An Alt Style is an alternative appearance with its own unique Skills and Attributes!
- Duel against Legendary/Standard Duelists and in Ranked Duels to collect "Duel Disks" which you use to Duel the Legendary Duelist at the gate.
- Unlock Soulburner and Flame Alt Style (an alternative appearance for Soulburner ) on January 24th
- You can get 120 Duel Disks playing 3 Ranked Duels every day.
Farming Decks
Soulburner and Flame Lvl 40: World Gears Farm
- Link Summon Loading... using the monsters provided by Elements Unite! . You are now functionally untouchable.
- Thin your deck with cards like Loading... , Loading... , the Spelbook Draw Engine, and Loading... (pitching Loading... and spent copies of Loading... /Loading...
Last Turn
- Special Summon Loading... by banishing Loading... from your GY
- Normal Summon Loading... and use both Loading... and Loading... on it.
- Eneter Battle Phase, and attack Directly with Loading... for Victory!
- Draw Cards: Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , etc.
- Special Summon Targets: Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , Loading...
Soulburner Lvl 40: Gate Guardian Farm
Note: This Deck has the propensity for adverse effects on Soulburner's AI, causing long, stally turns from their end
- Soecial Summon Loading... in Defense Position by tributing your three monsters.
- Use your Thunder Dragon effects and card draw cards to thin out your deck for the last turn.
- Ideal targets to shuffle back with Loading... are Loading... (so you can search it with your Spellbook Chain) and duplicate copies of Loading... or Loading... (so you can use the other copy in your hand to thin the deck again).
Last Turn
- Special Summon Loading... by banishing Loading... and Loading... from your Graveyard.
- Change Loading... to Attack Position}
- Normal Summon Loading... and use both Loading... and Loading... on it.
- Enter Battle Phase and Attack Directly for victory!
- You can replace any instance of Card Draw with any other instance of Card Draw. Some examples include Loading... + Loading... , Loading... + Loading... + Loading... . As a result Loading... might need to be replaced with any Special Summonable Monster with at least 900 ATK. Some free-to-play options include Loading... , Loading... and Loading...
Soulburner Lvl 40: Nephthys Yubel
- Use Loading... or Loading... / Loading... to destroy Loading... and summon Loading... in Defense Position.
- Use My Name is Yubel , Loading... , or Loading... to make sure Yubel is in your hand.
- You will want to save 1 Copy of Loading... and a way to pop it in your hand. Since if Soulburner has the means to Summon Loading... to negate your Terror and run over it in battle, you will want to Summon Loading... and quickly re-establish your Terror Incarnate.
- Cycle through your deck with Nephthys monsters, Loading... , and Loading... to thin through your deck.
- Save three high level monsters for the last turn (Usually this is 2 Ultimate Nightmare and 1 Yubel)
Last Turn
- Summon Loading... with 10,000 or more ATK by discarding your high level Yubel Monsters (2 Ultimate Nightmare and 1 Yubel)
- Use Loading... to destroy your Terror Incarnate to summon Loading...
- Use Loading... giving control of your Loading... .
- Enter Battle Phase and Attack your Montage Dragon with Ultimate Nightmare, dealing 10,000 effect damage.
- Replace any missing Sangan or Witch of the Black Forest with more copies of Fire King Avatar Yaksha or Yubel pieces
Soulburner Lvl 20 Decklist
Soulburner Lvl 10 Decklist
If you have a unique "farm" deck, spot a mistake or just want to say something post it in the comments below!