The Art Of Discarding - Contract: Fabled!

Hello! This is yet another guide by me -

, this time we will look into the Fabled archetype.


Fabled is a pretty old, fun and slightly confusing deck that is playable because of its good skill - Contract: Fabled . The deck heavily benefits from discarding cards and activating their effects in the graveyard, as a result flooding the field and doing a lot Synchro Summons.


  • Incredibly Fun.
  • Accessible UR/SR cards thanks to box chips, including the most important card - Loading... .
  • Non-linear playstyle.
  • Huge Synchro toolbox.


  • Can run out of gas pretty fast.
  • Power crept by the newer archetypes.
  • The deck is pretty expensive for new players.
  • They share common weaknesses with the current META decks

Deck Building

The deck does not give you much of a choice for the skill, but for the monsters and their ratios in both Main deck and Extra deck... Oh boy, it does!


This skill is just perfect for the deck and the only restriction, which of course is not a small one is that you are restricted to summoning only Fabled non-extra deck monsters. Worth mentioning that due to a recent buff, the restriction no longer applies to summoning monsters from the opponent's graveyard. The second part of the skill allows you to send a Fabled from the Hand or Field to the Graveyard and recover any Fabled monster from the GY back to the hand. The third and best skill allows you to return and search for a Fabled card, in addition to that Loading... can be Normal Summoned or Set for free.

SPOILER ALERT: The card effects are going to be shorter because... well they are pretty simple.

Archetype Core Cards:

Fabled Grimro

Fabled Grimro

The BEST and most important card in the deck. This is the monster searcher of the deck, which becomes even better with Contract: Fabled .

The Fabled Cerburrel

The Fabled Cerburrel
A free special summon tuner to access the Synchro Toolbox. A lot of the monster effects have discards, so we will see the doggo a lot.

Fabled Marcosia

Fabled Marcosia
The spell/trap searcher of the deck that usually searches for Loading... or Loading... .

Also, a card that lets you discard 2 cards.

The Fabled Catsith

The Fabled Catsith
One of your going second cards, which has a removal effect when discarded, which the entire deck is built around.

Fabled Kushano

Fabled Kushano
This one discards a card to add itself back to the hand, by discarding a Fabled monster.