My beautiful birds! Dance above the battlefield! XYZ Summon!

The signature deck of the newly released Lulu Obsidian , now that she's free from Duel Academy and able to mingle with the other denizens of Duel Links, she's free to finally terrorize the competitive scene with her adorable avians. Any of you who've spent time on ranked ladder this much have no doubt become somewhat acquainted with the rise of this brand new high-tiered threat. Those of you who want a detailed breakdown of their cards, combos and counters are going to exactly that right here so you can have a more comfortable climbing experience.


Lyrilusc decks tend to apply a protect the castle style of gameplay with their turn 1 plays, utilizing Lulu's ace monster Loading... and her fairly robust protection effect to survive the turn and finish the game with the very same monster and her multiple direct attacks. The deck can also establish multiple interuptions in the form of Loading... and reflect damage with Loading... , for when multiple direct attacks aren't enough. The deck is highly consistent and resilient when going second as well. The gameplay style is not something that a lot of decks are capable of handling with just their main engine and has effectively warped the metagame around having answers to it.

Pros and Cons


  • Highly consistent. Our skill of choice enables certain one card combos that aren't otherwise possible
  • Plentiful options for extension
  • Boss monsters can be very difficult to deal with thanks to Loading... and Loading...
  • XYZ monsters with powerful effects that can be used multiple times per-turn
  • Very helpful skill that increases the versatility of our turn 1 lines while making going second more comfortable


  • People are prepared for it in higher levels of competition. Certain cards that completely hose this deck like Loading... and Loading... are absolutely in vogue in large part thanks to this deck
  • Certain lines are weak to Loading...
  • Loading... can only be obtained once
  • One of the more likely contenders to get nerfed in future skill/banlist updates


Lyrilusc - Bird Humming

Our skill of choice allows to bin a Lyrilusc monster of our choice by revealing one in our hand, thus turning on the ability our monsters that revive from the graveyard, leading to one card XYZ summons. The second skill also us to trade out a monster on our field for Lyrilusc in our deck. This helps you play around certain cards like Loading... and Loading... by getting rid of cards that have either been rendered useless or have served their purpose and replacing them that suits the current situation better.

Used primarily to boost the power of our Loading... to enable lethal attacks faster. This skill is less versatile, and the deck is already capable of ending games in 2-3 turns with Bird Humming so this skill is generally inferior unless you plan to summon monsters that Bird Humming won't allow under it's restrictions.

Main Deck

Main Deck Monsters