Forbidden/Limited List

The current and upcoming status of the Forbidden/Limited List.
Speed Rush
March 7th, 2025

The Forbidden/Limited List will be updated on March 7th, 2025 with the following changes:

Card Previously New Status
Loading... ā€” Forbidden
Loading... ā€” Limited 1
Loading... ā€” Limited 3
Loading... ā€” Limited 3
Loading... Limited 1 ā€”
Loading... Limited 3 ā€”
Loading... Limited 3 ā€”
Loading... Limited 2 ā€”
Loading... Limited 3 ā€”
Loading... Limited 1 ā€”
Loading... Limited 3 ā€”

Forbidden Icon Forbidden

When cards are labeled as "Forbidden" you may not include any of them in your deck.

Limited 1 Icon Limited 1

When cards are labeled as "Limited 1" you may only include one card in your deck from all the Limited 1 cards.

If Card A and Card B are Limited 1, you can only include one or the other in your deck (not one of each).

Limited 2 Icon Limited 2

When cards are labeled as "Limited 2" you may include no more than two cards in your deck from all the Limited 2 cards.

If Card A and Card B are both Limited 2, you can have any of the following combinations of these cards in your deck: AA, AB, BB, A, B, or none. The combinations AAA, AABB, and AAB are all forbidden.

Limited 3 Icon Limited 3

When cards are labeled as "Limited 3" you may include no more than three cards in your deck from all the Limited 3 cards.

If Card A and Card B are both Limited 3, you can have any of the following combinations of these cards in your deck: AAA, ABB, AAB, BBB, AA, AB, BB, A, B, or none. The combinations AAAB, AABB, and ABBB are all forbidden.