
KC Cup DLv. Max from on April 9th, 2024
Gems 49.5k
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Hey ghost girlies! So after hitting KOG with Lunalight two months in a row, I decided to show the judges a little versatility by serving some control deck realness this month. Everything went relatively smooth until Lv. 19 in which I lost my Rank-Up match twice, once against my very own Lunalight list(!!), at which point I retooled my list a little and finally hit a lucky win streak. The MVP here was the 2nd copy of the better Transmigration trap that I dropped 1200 gems on earlier today (thank u box sale <3)

The list here is what I ultimately ended up with, though I may make some further adjustments for when I KOG with this list later in the month. This deck is definitely in need of its remaining archetypal support including Haunted Rock & Memorygant, but as it is it still puts up a considerable fight against the current meta if you know how to use it.

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Rank-Up (Yubel) Striker Striker-2