
KC Cup DLv. Max from on April 10th, 2024
Gems 47.5k + $74
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Chad classic yosenju vs Beta op skill decks

The stratey for win is simple, 70% of wins are from "Number S39: Utopia Ligning" combo with "Fobidden lance" or "Fobidden droplet", the other 30% by deconstructing the board with return to hand efects.

The deck mostly works on counter attack (using destiny draw to get card needed to win), need to win fast after destiny draw because can't set a strong board to late game.

I would add "Mind Control" if available to search with destiny draw. "Dark hole" is also strong, but not necessary in this meta (Too much graveyard decks)

Cool Off meta deck, Very fast paced, able to win aganst meta decks often, can be adjusted from season to season.

75% Winrate vs tenyi 65% Winrate vs Sky Striker 50% Winrate vs Zombie 40% Winrate vs Blue eyes, mayakashi 25% Winrate vs Shiranui, tech Genus (Need counter tech cards to improve match up, but would reduce strenght against overall decks)

Decent winrate vs off meta decks

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