
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 8th, 2024
Gems 27k + $37
20 cards

Notes & Combos

First time getting to Kc lv20 on the first day! Rank 10-18 was really easy. Only rank 19 was so cancer, getting Ice Dragon Prison'd every single game. Actually got ranked down once before getting to max

About the deck

Any 2 tenyi cards + Hard draw Kyotou turn 1 ---> Jizukuru + field 5 stacks

It has a potentially better turn 1, but it's more prone to bricks Still, it would be nice if tachyion couldn't summon dingirsu for free..

Going 1st: it's either

A) typical tenyi board (link 1/3 + synchro 8) or B) Jizukuru+field spell+if you're lucky link1 or synchro8

Going 2nd: start with the field spell. Usually it's gets negated by tachyion omninegate. In that case, you're free to to your tenyi things

By the way, NEVER give the opponent Jizukuru if the field spell is up, you can't take it back with vishuda

No one reads Jizukuru, but it can stop any targetting effect, like book of moon, ice dragon prison, shiranui synchro gy effect, vishuda, the galaxy package, tachyion recovery rank 8 from gy ... I added it just because I can't lose every single time I get IDP'd. It's too effective against Tenyi

The good thing about this deck, is that it's almost immune to backrow removal (doesn't play it) and veiler is a brick against it most of the time

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Lv max rank up, with best turn 1 board


Going 2nd against tachyion
