Winged Dragon of Ra

KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 12th, 2025
Gems 21.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

I'm going to be truly honest, I'm mostly an F2P player, don't have much good staples, but I enjoy Winged Dragon of Ra decks a lot, figured I'd run it in the KC Cup. Big mistake. The last 5 days of being stuck swapping between Level 19 and 20 was genuinely agonizing, I don't think I'll ever run this in a KC Cup meta filled neos ever again. I will take a big long break from ranked duels, and to my dearest Winged Dragon of Ra player, please for the love of god don't run this, this definitely needs better staples, but I'm a firm believer of Pot of Benevolence, it has helped me multiple times for sure after running out of Ras to summon, as for Magical Stone Excavation, it's highly situational honestly, you're better off replacing it with something else.

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