
KC Cup DLv. Max from on September 19th, 2024
Gems 55k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

The following yappery can be summarized by these 4 words:

Hehe, battle trap funny.

At the end of the climb, I had 63 cumulative wins, so considering Ranked, I managed this in about 40-45 wins. Idk, math hard.

Drowning is my main out to Lyr and probably the best out to it that I currently own. I was playing 2 for the majority of the climb, I cut 1 for Dimensional Wall as I hated opening 2 copies, which happened a little too often.

This meta didnt feel that bad for Geist. There's a bunch of untargetables and bullcrap skills, but none felt unwinnable. Maybe it was just me and the fact I was on these battle traps, but I had a hypothetical out to most situations I would face, and that was enough to make the climb easy.

Do I like playing battle traps? No lmao. While they are specific answers to problematic decks, the biggest con is just not being able to activate them whenever you wanted to. This simple fact alone led me to consider other outs to Lyr specifically. I considered playing IDP, even with Multifaker's xeno lock. I considered playing either Hallowed Life Barrier or Rainbow Life. I even considered a 30 card version with BoE. In the end, I bit the bullet, and played what I played here.

Things I would change:

  1. This meta. Dude, why do I have to resort to Drowning this meta sucks
  2. I'd cut the 3rd Hexstia for the Wynn Link. That out that Ed/Ev1l came up with sounds really solid. I'd rather have a use for my 9th slot instead of it just being a flex slot or a slot to hold a useless card.
  3. The skill. I don't want a skill that gets me plus 7 and plays the game for me. This deck has never had a do-all skill, and I'd like to keep it that way. Maybe buff Personal Spoofing to Set it from Deck if you control a Geist, or remove the shuffle from Overwrite

Ed and I (mainly him lmao) are working to update the Altergeist guide. He's been busy with uni, and me with classes that one would normally take AT Uni (**** you, AP classes)

My rank up was funny, but I'm sure there was another way to win.

May KoG be easier and may the birds be crippled.

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Rank Up I have other replays but I'll send them in the comments if anyone is interested.