
KC Cup DLv. Max from on September 15th, 2024
Gems 70k + $74
25 cards

Notes & Combos

I got to DLv. 18 with Infernobles before getting frustrated and switching to Dogmatika. The unfortunate reality of the meta right now is that a lot of the techs people are running to counter Lyriluscs (Book of Eclipse, Forbidden Droplet, etc) also beat Infernoble boards really hard, and the archetype just does not have access to backrow or spell/trap negates to deal with them easily right now. Nightingale is a fun tech you can use in Infernobles to survive being wiped through Eclipse and all the various powerful Rank-up XYZ decks like Seraph are using, but I wanted to try out a related Fleur deck that could put out more diverse boards going first which were more resistant to common board breakers.

For my card selection I basically just copied Nowras' list and it seemed to work pretty well for me, though I kinda miss playing a 30 card version because you're much less likely open both copies of Necro Synchron and instantly lose because of it. I don't have two copies of Droplet so I'm using Chalice instead, it usually works fine but I go for Droplet + Lance when I have the choice. I'm also using Chevalier in the Extra Deck over Mist Wurm because it's sometimes more useful to have a spell/trap negate going second while still getting access to your Sunseed line.

Overall this deck feels much easier to combo off going first than Infernobles and some of the other Fleur variants I've seen, and can lead to some of the most oppressive going first boards out of any deck with upwards of 4-5 sources of interaction. However, Star Seraph decks are running so many techs and generate so many card draws that your effect activations need to be absolutely on point to stop them from grinding you down and wiping your field with Deltaros. Going second is much easier as especially if you open Sauge de Fleur you can usually tear through their backrow and OTK them without too much difficulty.

If you really want to use this archetype to try to top the KC Cup ladder, you may want to try running a Bishbaalkin lock instead of the Sunseed line, as most common competitive Seraph lists do not run any outs to it. Just keep in mind that if this strategy becomes common enough you may start seeing people teching in ED Link monsters like Powercode Talker that can counter this strategy real quick.

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