
KC Cup DLv. Max from on September 19th, 2024
Gems 47.5k + $11
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Goodbye, Zubababancho Gagagacoat... Goodbye, Dodododwarf Gogogoglove... Goodbye, Utopia Onomatopoeia... I take this 1 Pegasus Weapon these 2 Armed Mechas, and these 3 Zealous Sages in rememberance of you...

The decks main goal is very similar to my previous builds, however this one is much less likely to get 2 XYZ summons in the same turn and is much more consistent with the Zeal Weapons thanks to Void.

You want to get out Lion Hope Ray with as many Zeal Weapons as possible. Tornado and Lightning should be a top priority in this meta, but you should probably pivot to Pegasus instead if the opponent is playing Borrel or Lyrilusc.

Remember, Salamander should be your last resort, so only use it if all else fails. If you have another way of summoning Hope, try that first and use the skill's second ability to wipe the board and try again with Salamander. Like all good aces, keep it hidden under your sleeve. Don't reveal it with the skill unless you are CERTAIN it is the move you are going for.

Finally, while most meta skills prevent the use of IDP, make sure to still detach Salamander or Monk first in case their skill doesn't specify or appear at the start of the duel.

Now let's explain the card picks: Yes, I am still playing 3 copies of Sage. No, it's not just because I have too many SR Tickets. Having three copies allows easier access to your ZWs and gives us a reason to play... PEGASUS! This thing's monster negate may seem redundant, but since it doesn't activate and doesn't target, that means it can negate untargetables, avoid your opponent's negates, and can be used during the damage step. With cards like Borreload, Clear Wing, and Blue Eyes' extra deck on the loose, this card has more value than ever. Thanks to the new ED slot, we can now play 2 Lion Hope Ray AND Hope Ray V! The second Lion Hope Ray for recovery and Hope Ray V can get through sticky monsters like Sphere Mode. Rest in peace, my Onomats... The consistency boost from Void and Monk are practically required in this format. Maybe that new Zeal Morph skill will allow you to shine once more...

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