Tech Genus

King of Games from on April 2nd, 2024

Notes & Combos

I love how this deck operates, very fun to play. Takes some bit of skill to pilot but after some reps with the build for a week i was able to adapt quickly ever since T.G Limiter removal released.

This deck's turn one is pretty strong if you don't get countered by random kaiju's or your opponent opening nuts to out your T.G Halberd Cannon and T.G Trident Launcher turn one.

I came across a lot of blue eyes on the ladder so lance was very good to protect you from their successor soul and or other etc backrow.

Quarion i wish had its second effect live during my climb because the skill restricts your synchro's that are non-T.G to not activate additional effects during my opponents turn but nontheless it was a great board breaker with a beefy 3k attack to get over large monsters.

Halbard is pretty good along with the link turn 1, untargetable 4k synchro with a negate summon effect is no joke especially when you can't out the link in some situations. Halberd can miss timing on chain links are already in a chain when trying to float into Shooting Star Dragon T.G E.X or any other T.G monster so keep note of that.

Hama was clutch during the climb when i wanted to push for game or otk turn 2.

Herald of Arc Light was good against decks like Sky Striker, Blue Eyes, and Shiranui.

Misc and Survival's End are great discard fodder for Limiter Removal or can let me extend past D.D Crow thanks to misc when needed.

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KOG Rank up VS Blue Eyes

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VS Blue Eyes again (legendary topdeck at the end)

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