Gimmick Puppet

King of Games from on August 21st, 2023
Gems 58.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Fine, mom! I'll write down the notes!

What changed?

You may be asking yourself about why the sudden Gimmick Puppets got so incredibly good and based, well first of all they were always based, second of all, they got a seemingly small skill buff that made them much better. They got access to the very powerful Dingirsu, Steelswarm Roach, and Evilswarm Nightmare.

Whaddo they do?

Gimmmick Puppets excel at effeciently summon rank 4 and 8 dark xyz. Going first they commonly set up roach/nightmare and/or dingirsu with any backrow they draw. Going second they attempt to efficiently wipe their opponent's board and OTK with cards like Dingirsu, Gigantes Doll, Giant Grinder, and whatever else they are using (Malevolent Sin for me).

For more information, DM me! I have a guide I can provide at request, and I love helping anyone who asks!

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