
King of Games from on August 15th, 2023
Gems 56k + $158
20 cards

Notes & Combos

14K gems and 20 bucks later i got my two onomatopaira ;(

After losing 3 times my rank-up match... I DID IT, after exactly 2 years and 1 day e KOGED again with onomats.

Speedroid skill does alooooooot of things without book was i would have lost to every single one of the speedroid.

Resolving dweller agasint ORCUST is just the best feeling i could have had during the whole climb was basically gg at that point.

The real, real MVP in this deck is Utopia the lightning with gagaga sister as a material to make the enemy monster 0 atack then just atack with 5k.

KONAMI Release tornado dragon pls...

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