
King of Games from on August 27th, 2024
Gems 80.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

(I'm french)

A really fun deck to play with.

The Fleur skill gives many options to control the field (dingirsu and synchro monsters) and OTK.

With go(o)d starting hands it is possible to beat the top tier decks (going first is better than going second).

The best board for the first turn is Herald (clausolas+bulb) + Zeta (stardust charge warrior + bulb) ( it can be replaced by Clear Wing if you think the opponent will play monsters in defense position to do their combo). To do the combo, you need a lv 4 monster in your hand but having at least 1 copy of necro synchro in your deck is mandatory for the skill.

With 8 lv 4 monsters in the deck there is around 70% of chance to have at least one of these monsters in your starting hand. You can play two copies of necro synchro to avoid dead hands.

(Chevalier de Fleur is here for the joke and can be replaced by anything else)

(I do not summon Trishula Dragon really often because against strong boards I prefer Black Rose Dragon, and against weak boards, trishula can't OTK alone, so it is not the best option and it can be replaced by an other monster if needed)

Finally, some duels can be really long (because of Valkyrus) and it's quite hard to manage the number of ressources.

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