Phantom Knights

King of Games from on August 25th, 2024
Gems 42.5k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

I got KOG with this deck. Earlier version I was running Alchemic Magician. That card is little slow and the cost of discarding a card is not worth it. This version consist of Evilswarm Ouroboros. This card single handledly won me many matches. First turn I always summong Ouroboros alongside Dark Rebellion XYZ and use its effect to discard a random card from your opponent hand. The effect is so good it can disrupt your opponent play.

  • 3 veiler - great against borrel deck, against gunkan, zombies, star steraph, any decks that utilize summoning a monster and activating its effect to get the play going.

  • 3 cosmic cyclone - great against unchained, toons, any decks that rely heavy backrows

  • Evilswarm ouroboros - first turn always use the effect to discard your opponent card. This always win me games majority of the time. Great against unchained since it doesn’t destroy, it return. Banishing shinranui from graveyards.

  • 1 stained greaves - must have card. Great against blue eyes and dark magician decks and unchained. This card work around skull meister, and veiler. Any cards that prevent you summing monsters to the field. The purpose of this card is to flood the field to help you summon monsters from extra deck.

  • 1 Leviar - is a little slow but I only use it when I have good hands where I can summon like 3+ monsters. So is basically having an extra monster on the field. Plus I mainly use it to bring back banished monsters so I can use its effects again.

At one point I went like 10+ win streaks with this deck. Majority of my losses came from running out of time and misplays. This deck is confusing to play but once you get the hang of the engine you’ll know in and out of this deck. I’m still learning. This deck is all about when and not to use certain cards. Like rank up spell card can be use to avoid chalice, successor soul, any cards that want to destroy your monsters. The sword is good to protect your monsters, it can also be use on your opponent monster to prevent them destroying their monsters like unchained and borrow deck. Know when to use rank up spell, you can use it to rank up and use in combination with unbeatable minds to destroy your opponent cards.

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