
King of Games from on August 21st, 2024
Gems 44.5k + $37
20 cards

Notes & Combos

It's me again still trying to make this somewhat functional. It worked this season somehow. Was it worth it? Definetely not, sometimes you just don't have anything to play and you just lose. Saw the recent leaks and i'm hyped for Time Thief, it's a deck that i like a lot, but while we wait we go with my pendulum girls.


  • Rokket is probably the worst. The amount of cards and plays they have is huge, and even the best hand struggles to deal with.

  • Star seraph comes second, but it is not as hard as rokket, you just have to play the right cards at the right moments, but still, the amount of resources and plays they have is sometimes more than enough to pass through.

  • Didn't see a lot of sharks by now, faced just one and he bricked somehow so yeah.

  • Sky striker: considering it's also a control deck, it's basically who is able to control it's resources better. Turn 2 can be a problem because the deck is able to clean your field easily, but it's manageable.

  • Unchained: unchained's game plan is almost the same, destroy everything and go link. Gracia can attack freely with her effect, so you can pass through and he won't activate it's effects. Knowing what he will probably do it's a good plan.

  • Infernoble: it's more a tournament deck i believe 'cause i saw no one playing this, but it's basically "turbo dingirsu and go".

  • Sacred beast: play more defensively and wait for the right moment to attack otherwise you can be OTK'd by buffed raviel. Veiler saved a lot in some moments, and borreload was decisive in some duels. Hiita is good because gunkan is very popular so you can take advantage. Abomination came in just once, so it can switched, rest is fine. Don't recommend playing unless you are crazy like me :/ NOTE: i forgot to save some better replays and the ones to kog were not the best.

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First replay is bugged, but was a sunavalon guy and i won by time. Vs sacred beast Vs yubel neos(duel kinda sucked but anyway) Vs star seraph(he bricked i guess) Vs gunkan(kog match)