Starry Knight

King of Games from on August 28th, 2024
Gems 37.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Let's call it rapid Starry. Main advantage is a turn 1 that allows you to basically perform two Starry turns in one with all the benefits of getting extra resources and interruptions. Additionally, there's a good chance you'll be able to chain the Starry card effects next turn when you interrupt and dodge your opponents plays and land a devastating blow while keeping your resource cycle going.

Although Ceremony could be cut to not clog the reduced backrow space, I consider it an essential piece to achieve this rapid flow and the full benefits of the archetype card interactions. You should always be really careful though how to set up your board depending on what cards you have access to with your starting hand and what plays your expect your opponent to do.

The extra deck is as always a bit more flexible relating to your preferences and I think you could even cut Rafflesia and the Hole traps in favor of focusing on Dweller interruption or something like Cairn with two (non-searchable) hand traps (or Needle Ceiling).

I only koged this late because I like to stay in Legend for developing, testing, or just having fun with (rogue) decks. On Kog level the difficulty etc. is not the same because many people test there, play more recklessly and scoop more quickly. So the late Kog is not reflective of the decks potential is what I want to say :)

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