Trap Pigeon

King of Games from on August 11th, 2024
Gems 24.5k
35 cards

Notes & Combos

Happy International Left-Handers Month! :D (Love listening to NSYNC Bye Bye Bye due to Deadpool and Wolverwine Movie when playing rank games now) XD

This is now my 11th KoG for Rush; man every new box and every new season there is new tech for old decks and new decks as well. And man I was thinking would not get KoG this season cause Anxiety goes brrrr. speaking of brrrr; I shall now present you my KoG deck: Pigeons!

Got the idea from Bajs1030 (They are the one who started the idea and I took the concept and change a few things but still their idea)

Now lets talk about the cards:

  1. Card Revitalization and Eccel makes funny plays and can sometimes grab a big monster that your opponent has in hand
  2. 3x Hammer Crush because I want them to destory my opponent back row plus skill; also I can ditch a trap card for "Night Vision the Phantom Pigeon" effect to ping for 1000 LP
  3. Blue Falcon Tengu is in this deck because its 1800 atk and def and its a winged beast; therefore it works with Counter Pigeons nicely
  4. I would run 3x combustion crisis but I only have 2x; however when you make your deck can run 2-3
  5. Sword and Shield is a funny card especially since Aqua, Psychic and spellcastors are running about
  6. I was running phantom bind but its such a hit and miss; but if you have it and do not own any of the traps in the deck list; feel free to add it
  7. Make sure you have at least 6 or more trap cards in your deck; so "Night Vision The Phantom Pigeon" 2nd ping effect works

Cards would Add/Change to the deck:

  1. You can also play "Avian Spell Tactics" as well instead of "Hammer Crush" (Skill and Card) since you do not have a (3) in the deck
  2. You CAN play "Blades of Divine Wind" since you will usually have normal monsters in your deck but; its very slow
  3. Instead of running Blue Falcon Tengu and 3 Hammer crush; can -3 hammer -3 blue falcon for harpies and replace the "Hammer Crush Deal" skill for "Harpie Lady Sisters- Elegant Egotist" (This will help feed the trap cards in your graveyard while having the ability to use maximum card in your deck)

And thats all <3 Good luck on your Climb to KoG for Rush and Speed and stay healthy and stay hydrated friends <3 :D

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