
King of Games from on December 11th, 2023
Gems 38.5k + $11
20 cards

Notes & Combos

3 Purple Nightfall to boost overall consistency as well as ease of making Dingirsu. Yellow Star to boost consistency and threaten backrow.

Best way to beat Yubel is to remove Kluger with Knightmare Unicorn. Use Yellow Star and/or Knightmare Phoenix to remove backrow before summoning Unicorn, if possible. If the only way to remove Kluger is to destroy it, then you'll need Unicorn, Dingirsu, or Ningirsu to remove Wiseman.

Bad matchup against Tenyi since World Legacy's Secret doesn't negate monster effects in the GY or hand. Swap Effect Veiler for D.D. Crow if you're mostly facing Tenyi.

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Going 1st vs Tenyi

Going 1st vs Blue-Eyes

Going 2nd vs Trickstar

Going 1st vs Magikey

Going 1st vs Live☆Twin

Going 2nd vs Lunalight