
King of Games from on December 13th, 2023
Gems 14k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

The deck is nearly the same as Rtongcs list, that was posted a few days ago. The list feels good, clean and consistent, however I didn't like some of the extra deck choices. For example, I don't think dweller is good in any way this meta. It was never part of my endboard, because evilswarm nightmare is a much safer option and making dweller to stop floating effects in your turn is also irrelevant, do to the banish effect of kalaido chick which makes the matchup against yubel rather easy. I instead replaced him with daruma doll, which is not only backrow removal, but it can also help you to free yourself from tenkis that block your spells and traps and it can also pop tyger in the pend zone to get a bonus revival. Last card I changed was phoenix for Cerberus, because that's easier for the mirror match, but you can also play phoenix just fine.

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