
King of Games from on December 5th, 2023
Gems 51k
23 cards

Notes & Combos

  • Finally KOG with Rokket! Interesting deck, one of my favorite! I'm very happy and proud to be King Of Game with it this month!

  • Tenyi: Very good deck, not the hardest to beat compared to the others with this deck I think but it's really strong even without using any traps. Cool deck.

  • Live Twin: This deck is really good. It's quit challenging when you go 2nd against a full board, But when you go 1st it's easier to handle, definitely one of the strongest deck in this game so far

  • S-Force: I did not encounter much but when i did it was again pretty hard to win going 2nd, same feeling as live twin, very impressive deck, a lot of consistency , one of the strongest deck too.

  • YUBEL: Too much Yubel on ladder, at first its doesn't seems really impressive, but this deck is actually absurd, very strong, and annoying! The most annoying one alongside Live Twin

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