King of Games from on February 25th, 2025
Gems 28.5k + $4
27 cards

Notes & Combos

Here's my cheap F2P build, just to prove that having 3x E-Emergency Call is not essential. If you want to improve consistency, just use less than 30 cards.

Keep in mind that you have to set your hand/cemetery in order to survive, so if you don't have Kiteroid or Wightprincess in the opening hand, don't be scared to fusion summon exploiting Liquid and Cross effect to draw until you get one. In the worst scenario, use Neos Fusion to summon Brave Neos and send Necro gardna to cemetery (last resource).

Neos Kluger is a really OP card. The only way to deal with it is either to ban it or bounce it back to hand/deck. Just few decks have an escape from this card. Just remember, if you summon it using Neos Fusion, don't proceed to crush it in battle in the same turn, 'cause the effect to evoke Neos Wiseman won't proc (due to Neos Fusion effect) ;)

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