
King of Games from on February 2nd, 2025
Gems 40k + $22
25 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is still great in my opinion.

That said, I could still definitely feel that the game was harder this month with Hero and Salamangreat everywhere. Added Hauteclare this month, it did help win one or two games so it's worth it.

Tips: Blue Boy is a WATER and cannot be Super Poly'd. Therefore, he is easy bait for Armed Dragon Thunder.

Do not summon Raye before destroying all Heroes or popping Super Poly.

Salamangreat cannot kill through Shizuku under full Eagle Booster buff (sometimes, neither can Hero). Therefore, Eagle Booster + Widow Anchor is always the strat going first against them.

Use Jamming Waves' extra effect to bait out Balelynx before using Afterburners to get maximum value.

Salamangreat cannot interact with the Spellbook draw engine at all with just their Salamangreat interactions without wasting Pyro Phoenix because Knowledge can send from hand if they bounce him with Miragestallio. Therefore, it is an extremely safe draw 2 and free advantage going second against them.

Overall, Spellbook is just free advantage/bait almost everytime I opened/drew into it, with the low risk of accidentally drawing into both copies of Raye turn 1. I think it's really good (much better than Toon, but also better than pure), and is definitely worth going over 20 for.

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