
King of Games from on January 30th, 2023
Gems 38k
22 cards

Notes & Combos

There can be many combo with nekroz like : Brionac in the graveyard and Valkyrus in the hand for stall(shuts Gouki consistently). Brionac in the graveyard, Nekroz Cycle and Shurit in the hand for basic combo. Shurit in the graveyard, Nekroz Mirror and any Nekroz monster in the hand for basic or followup combo after Nekroz Cycle. Nekroz Kaleidoscope and Brionac in the hand for the monster/backrow pop. etc. The best hand main combo cards will be Nekroz Cycle, Nekroz Mirror and Brionac in the hand. Gungnir saves many matches with it's quick effect destruction and also is the best protection for nekroz monsters if needed.

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