Notes & Combos
TLDR: New boss Red Boot is good, the new skill makes Hi-Tech Dragons more consistent and smoother to play. Easy gameplan, ratios can be messed with.
Another KoG this time with the new Red-Boot Boost Dragon. I think with the new skill and red boot this high tech dragons now have a somewhat consistent gameplan. I've been testiing multiple builds with different cards and different ratios, this was the one I happened to KoG with.
You ideally want to go second with this deck so you can get your two free searches for monsters you need (most of the time it will be red boot).
Easy combos with the deck
- Dragonic Pressure - You can make this a 2 card board wipe as long as you have a Star Replacer and allow your self to easily get out one of your bosses
- Flip/Flap - This one is pretty simple, use skill to find one and discard the other = easy tribute summon
Ratios you can mess around with but 6 bosses is ideal, I play BEWD in stead of the 3rd Red Boot just to have a stronger boss and bigger reduction for fortitude. Pierce is a random tech card I had an ideal for but has not come up much to keep it in the deck for long.
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