Notes & Combos
There's a TL;DR at the end if you want it, I wrote a lot this time lol
Fellas, we are so back. I haven't been able to post a new Madolche KoG list for a few months, 'cause life and all, but recent additions to DL have had me cooking up something new. For those interested, I've got a lot to talk about, both regarding the list and the climb itself.
There have been two major changes for Madolche since my last post, and the most obvious one is the addition of Small World. It finally enables us to have a reasonable number of starters, as well as enabling a toolbox of whichever random 1-of monsters you'd like. The main drawback is that Konami unfortunately stuck Small World in the latest Selection Box. If you grabbed any though, toss 'em in.
The other big change is the new mouthful of a Skill, Elemental Order: Mystical Space Typhoon. We now have a Skill that allows us to exchange our bricks for valuable non-engine without jumping through any hoops, and it even grants a consistency boost with the "MST Reload" effect as well, removing the need to consider using cards like Magical Mallet. The best part is that unlike Small World, it's practically free to obtain. If you've got MSTs, start using Elemental Order. It's so much better than our older options.
Deck-wise, I decided to take the consistency boosts from these two and increase the Main Deck count with even more non-engine, to both decrease the chance of drawing multiple bricks, and to increase the chance of seeing the blessed "Starter + All non-engine" hand. If my math was right, there should be about an ~85% of finding a starter with these current ratios.
For the bridges I went with, Kumongous being an EARTH that shares nothing else with Madolche cards makes for a great pick. Eccentrick compliments Kumongous's removal, as well as not going to the GY thanks to being a Pendulum. Sauravis helps the deck not die to every Veiler (just most of them), as well as bridging between the other two. I also added a second Hootcake mostly for bridge purposes.
I also experimented with handtraps, being Veiler and Herald of Green Light. Veiler was good, though playing more copies might be pushing it. Green Light was perhaps unsuprisingly trash though, wouldn't recommend. Something notable in this list though is that as it is, Veiler can't bridge for Magileine or Peting. I couldn't find a good bridge to use; best I saw was either Roze because of Engage, or Baaple, who is Baaple. If anyone knows a better alternative I might have missed, please share.
Lastly, I also dropped the size of the Striker package. Engage and Small World have a bit of anti-synergy going on, and I'd prefer leaning into Small World for consistency's sake. That being said, Engage is still very strong, and thanks to Elemental Order grabbing an easy MST, it effectively has a 2-card combo with any other standard Spell for massive board breaking potential.
For the climb itself, since I've only been playing ranked very sparsely the last few months, I had to climb up from Plat 1. And would you believe it, Madolche actually matches up suprisingly well into the latest additions to the meta. Against HEROs, the vast majority of them simply aren't playing Gaia due to there being no relevant EARTH decks, and without him, they need to work to amass enough damage to kill over Sistart. Similarly, Salamangreat and Dragonmaid (or the few I actually saw, at least) also struggled to OTK through the standard Madolche endboard. And with this list's structure, going second against anything not named Lyrilusc was rarely any issue.
Realistically, the biggest issue I had was my **** poor luck; the vast majority of my losses were due to simply not finding a starter. Legend 5 had me in a ridiculous loop of getting exactly 3 wins, then bricking and doing it over again; this happened 5 times in a row. It might be possible to reduce the deck count, but as it is, space is actually quite tight, and I might start getting blown out by large endboards more often if the non-engine count drops. 'Tis the life of not having a consistency Skill, I suppose.
By far the best highlight of this climb had to be the deck's insane performance in Platinum. I kid you not, I managed to score a 22-win streak, only losing to inevitably drawing no starters and getting one punched by a Rainbow Neos. Frankly, I'm just happy it didn't end via me making a certified Madolche Micromistake™. Also, shame Plat isn't eligible for the Spicy Winstreaks page, lol.
Since I played so many games this time, I've got a cosmic crapton of replays to share for those interested. Some are of blasting through boards, some are funny, and some are just good games of Yu-Gi-Oh. I also posted some evidence of that 22-streak. Extra value due to me not posting for so long, if you will.
One more thing I want to say though, is just a thank you for reading. My Madolche lists always seem to get received very positively, and without that reception, I doubt I would have continued gunning for KoGs as much as I have, or even written up that huge guide I posted quite a few months back. I might not be able to keep up on posting an updated list here every month, but I'm happy my lists have been able to make some sort of impact regardless.
Oh, and sorry about the length; I just had a lot to say this time around. Won't be literally 1000+ words long in the future, promise.
TL;DR: Small World gud; Elemental Order gud; the 22-win streak situation is crazy; thank you ❤️
Legend Replays
Harpies (>mfw its actually kiteroid)
Ancient Warrior (nice brick bro)
Shaddoll (opp bricked on the rank-up we take those)
Predaplant (also the only one i saw for some reason?)
Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade (i prob shouldn't have sent shuraig to the gy lol)
HERO (sistart greed goes unpunished)
Lyrilusc (kumongous, master of """"stealth"""")
Platinum Replays
Salamangreat (win #22, last win before the brick™)
Battlin' Boxer (win #20, nerves nearly threw this)
Harpies (green light actually being good)
Time Thief (bro threw tbh)
Shaddoll (feat. green light's """"best"""" moment)