Mermail Atlantean

King of Games from on July 17th, 2023

Notes & Combos

I didn't experiment much with the deck but I'm convinced this is the best version of the deck right now, maybe except for Artisan that was nice to have in some situations making a 0 card Dweller with Coral Anemone but most of the times it seemed overkill.

Other cards I might consider trying in the deck:

  • Swap Frog and Ronintoadin (auto explanatory, free extenders, Swap Frog triggers Gunde and puts WATER monsters you don't want to see in hand in the grave)
  • Fishborg Launcher and Planter (I love Fishborgs. Planter is fine it can set up the grave but it doesn't trigger the Atlanteans, Launcher can summon Quarion with Diva and Territory of the Sharks and is a free link material to extend after getting interrupted)
  • Lappis dragon (another free extender that can help play past getting interrupted by making Anemone and Croc with a Territory of the Sharked monster, but there are too little ways to trigger Dragoon for it to be a reasonable addition)
  • Pike (can add Arboria or Sea Archiver while setting up the grave or triggering Atlanteans. Can be summoned by White Aura Monoceros and searched by Teus)
  • Dragon Ice (an "extender" as well as a "handtrap" or "gravetrap" if you have both him in hand/grave and an Atlantean in hand to discard. Like most of the other cards I mentioned now it's better because of the milling from Artisan and Sentry, but still too inconsistent)

As I said right now I think the better way to play the deck is like this, maximizing the chance to draw the atlanteans and the big Mermails that trigger them, but maybe one day with new supports and maybe a skill that lets you discard or send from deck to grave WATER monsters to do something the cards I mentioned could become really good.

The Extra Deck is what I have, if I had Brionac I would probably include it and Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark, while never feeling the need to summon it since the Territory of the Shark activations go to the 2 Dwellers, is a card I enjoy and that has its uses. Mistar Boy was never summoned and Cat Shark was maybe useful one game, and summoned in 3 just because I ran out of Dwellers. Other cards to consider are Quarion and, maybe eventually, Tatsunoko and White Aura Monoceros.

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