Destiny HEROs

King of Games from on July 12th, 2024
Gems 33.5k + $225
28 cards

Notes & Combos

I have once again returned to KoG with my Beatrice DHero build (sadly did not lab any Fleur Dhero builds).

Nothing quite new since my last variants, opting to combine both my Pot of Acquisitiveness tech alongside Beast for draw 1 to help get into backrow. Switched from Econ to TTH for field blowouts, and from Compulse to Crackdown for survivability (only DSoW cucks this choice).

Was on Unchained Abomination Link 4 through Legend 5 but never once summoned it so opted to switch back to swordsman even though dystopia is not the main focus of this build.

High roll opening drilldark alongside another level 4 and any 3rd non-Mali dark monster gets you Dweller access, which is very nice in this meta, alongside Beatrice.

Desperately needs more support still, and skill to be updated to spawn poly in your hand instead of on field.

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