
King of Games from on July 30th, 2024
Gems 35.5k + $22
22 cards

Notes & Combos

the deck is kinda simple to play, you use the skill to search the field spell, or grimro if you already have the field on hand.

after that you will use the field spell to mill either kushano, or grimro if you dont have grimro on hand.

then, if you milled grimro, use the field spell to get grimro to hand by sending one of the fableds that special summon from grave, in which will make so grimro can actvate its effect to search.

if you milled kushano because you already had grimro in hand, then just use kushanos effect to send a fabled that revives itself in grave, so you can use grimro.

the ideia is to make combos of lv 5, then 8, by using chiwa(1) and a grimro(4) or marchosia(4), cerburrel(2) or abanc(2) and ganashia(3), to make ragin(5) while having no cards on hand to draw 2, then use kushano(3) to go into crystal wing(8), you can also use chiwa(1) to go into andraith(1) with ragin(5), which you can use cerburrel(2) or anbac(2) to go into crystal(8).

now that andraiths effect isnt stopped by the skill, if the opponent discards a monster, you can steal it from their grave, this makes the combo of using regicide(trap) to pop something on the opponents field and summon andraith much better, its effect will make so the opponent either gives you 2 draws or mill a card from their hand, and if its a monster, you can steal it. (becareful when stealing from unchained, if its gets destroyed, it will float)

also, the 2nd part of the skill lets you send the opponents monster to their grave to recover a fabled from your grave.

the lv7+ are all interruptions and tools to deal with different situations, i used to play borrelsword and fabled unicore, though borrelsw got me a few wins, it barelly ever came up, and unicore also helped agaisnt a lot of annoying decks, as well as lock the opponent from coming back... but groza was just much better.

i also tryed blackrose, but ngl, i summoned it at least once or twice, and quantum dragon helped get some wins as well as get around annoying monsters, but between cyberslash harpie and it, harpie was just better.

pot of pay2win is there mostly for extending and recovery in long games, being able to return the lv5s, the synchros and some of the main deck fableds helps a bit, i think before it was added to the game, i lost just once by having no more ways of synchro summoning, so its not really necessary, it actually can brick you a bit if you draw it on hour first hand, so imo, with it, without it, doesnt really matter.

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