Psychics: Rush!

King of Games from on July 5th, 2024
Gems 23.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is really fun to play , i play 2 Jam:p check bc the backrow trap or something else is always annoying , 1 divergence is for turn 2 maybe when i get romanpick and want act it , can:D is really important on this deck bc this is the best card to act jam:p Up and Check to get prima Re:D and Esperade have more powerful att and gain 1000 Lp to use Pay eff , Can Re:D have eff to return monster the best choice is Romanpick and Future Diviner to mill and get some boss to play and diviner is same , anyways thats is the list and some tip i want to share if everyone like this drop like in the reaction . Ty and good luck for the KOG match . P/s :Hope Psychic have more support!

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