Sacred Beast

King of Games from on July 15th, 2024
Gems 40.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck gives me Blue Eyes vibes, which is basically summoning giant main deck monsters. Dark Summoning Beast is in case you are bricky and can't get the normal combo. Cerulean can stop basically ANY spell/trap in the game, including super poly and counter traps, which is weird but anyways.

  • Only 1 opening 'cause i wanted to play 20 cards and really didn't feel the need for more.
  • Veiler and Skull Meister are the best HT for the game now(my opinion).
  • Crackdown is still nuts, can win games alone sometimes.
  • Gangaridai and Borrelsword never really came.
  • Underclock and Pentestag were the MVPs, it were them that alowed some crazy OTKs.

Additional notes: 1 - I wanted to test unchained, but i was very unlucky and couldn't get all the cards. 2 - I tried again with my Solfachord deck, but i think i am being Macro affected because i couldn't get past legend 3 :/

No replays because i think everybody knows already how this deck works right?

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