Super Quant

King of Games from on July 31st, 2024
Gems 34.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Well... Last minute KoG with my favorite deck. Green Layer is the worst extender, either play 2 or 1, never 3, you have more valuable Normal Summons and better extenders.

Went with 2 Cosmic Cyclone because backrow is still king + it shuts down Unchained.

Removed the one Granpulse and one Magnus for one Magnaliger and one Lusterrex. And of course replaced the horrible Super Quant link for a better one: Gundam Unicorn!

It was pain to even reach KoG because handtraps can just win you games at times + playing with a terrible hand. A good thing not many people know how to face this deck.

Anyway, read Linebarrels of Iron. Best manga ever.

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Rank-Up match VS Sunavalon (with one misplay from me)

VS Tachyon from the climb