Borrel Link

King of Games from on June 20th, 2024
Gems 58.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

TFW I got my third Levianeer from the 200 KoG gems.

Anyway, my college trimester finished today, which meant I was completely free to make a KoG run. I was surprised I was able to achieve it in a couple of hours, but that just shows how aggressive this deck is.

The game plan varies a lot depending on many factors (getting Lancea'd or Crow'd, going first, going second, etc.), meaning that this deck can get very complicated. My best advice is to make your best effort to get familiarized with each card and their function, that way you are more sure to see the lines to victory!

Playing 1 Double Disruptor is completely fine, though I recommend 2 for consistency and the choice to search both Rapid Trigger and Heavy Interlock. If you have a third Levianeer, I advise you to play it instead of Silverrokket. Effect Veiler can be replaced by any card of your choice. I use it because it serves as disruption and as a LIGHT target for Levianeer.

Also, before anyone asks: Yes, I didn't play Flash Charge a single game. Personally, I do not like the card, but that shouldn't stop you guys from playing it. If you think the card is useful, then play it! I think the ED is very flexible in that aspect--meaning anyone can adjust it to their preference. For example, I really like having the option of playing Void Ogre Dragon in case I have a hand that allows me to end on it + Levianeer + Riot. But since it doesn't come up as often, you guys can easily replace it with any card of choice.

My plans with Rokkets (and technically Borrel Link) are far from over if all goes well. I hope you guys look forward to them!

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Agent player refusing to read Heavy Interlock

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