
King of Games from on June 27th, 2024
Gems 40.5k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

Since WCS I experimented with more tech choices and I think this deck is really solid.

Bacon Saver

This card can just really save you in the Blue Eyes/Yubel Matchups as well as just being a decent pitch always (Although you almost always have better targets)

Necroworld Banshee/Zombie World

Zombie World is just really good right now and running it in Mayakashi gives you ways to heavily disrupt your opponents in some matchups such as Sunavalon, Borrel & Agents.

Jack-o-Bolan/Glow-up Bloom

Glow-up is just a free search for Jack-o and even if ZW isn't on the field it's still a free search.

Jack-o is basically just a better Yasha with a near-identical summoing condition it's just slightly harder to search.

Breakthrough Skill

Its just a double negate and if you mill it you can still get advantage out of it, Lost Winds could work too or even any other tech choice.

Any questions don't hesitate to ask.

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