
King of Games from on March 5th, 2024
Gems 9k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

What is Maximum Summon? This skill is clearly not to support Maximum Summon, but to fulfill the requirement of Attrashot Hydron's effect to be used in the early turns. Peacok Picotron - which is added from outside the deck due to this skill - and other tron friends along with Reset Runner are very useful for quickly milling the deck so that the additional ATK obtained through Hydron's effect becomes even greater. Belsectacle Mani and Talismanic Seal Array are included in this deck because of their effect of bringing back important monster cards from GY to the deck. Since this deck is vulnerable to opponent's trap cards that can turn the tide, it requires up to three Particle Acceleration spell cards to be included in this deck.

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