
King of Games from on March 24th, 2024
Gems 38.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Classic altergeist list with the inclusion of an aditional lv5 to make better use of the skill

The fortune fairy did prove usefull as a mulligan, as well as a quick way out of the magistus upward-arrow, linking them into Code talker, but i'd recommend artifact lancea as a replacement, especially in any Dark magician/Shiranui meta

Outside of that, i do recommend getting the 3rd meluseek and the 2d silq. Which would replace the spellbook of secrets and the 3rd marionetter respectively

Also, in terms of the traps, i would highly recommend changing the non-altergeist traps to a set of bottomless/bad aim, at your preference of ratio (take into account that the inclussion of a lancea would interfere with your use of bottomless tho)

As a last tip, knightmare phoenix and ningirsu are irrelevant. Multifaker, Silq and Hextia force you to constantly pump out other altergeists, so you will spend most of the game locked out of non-archetype monsters

as always, cheers and love from Argentina hope to duel you soon

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