Gaia: Rush!

King of Games from on March 2nd, 2025
Gems 14k + $46
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Day 1 Rush KoG with the new hotstuff for this season: Gaia!

I was climbing most of Platinum and Gold with Dragons until I was "hey, I now have 3 of Monster Calling, how about I try pure Gaia out!" and... well look at it now. I feel this build is a bit messy and extremly bricky, but it did work for me. The deck is pretty new so there is no perfect build for Gaia at the moment, or at least pure, as many people are trying hybrids with either HERO or Metarion.

But I can at least say the main core of this:

  • Battletested Gaia (x3) is your main guy to get your Fusion summons, and it requires only a High Level on your field for a 1 tribute.
  • Normal Gaia (x3) and Curse of Dragon (x3) are, of course, necessary to get any plays going, specially Dragon.
  • Monster Calling (x3) enables you to unbrick your hand if you only open any of your High Levels named Gaia or Dragon.
  • Polymerization, the Fusion card that you don't have to yell at when using it, is necessary for the most part, all thanks to the skill.

As of right now you can use anything else that can work well for you, and as for me, I used the following cards.

  • Fortitude Dragon and Dragon's Fortitude because we all love reducing the opp monster's atk for easier OTK or easier survival.
  • Bolticorn to disable a backrow.
  • Winged Dragon as a one-off to have another Normal monster for the skill to activate while also completing this deck.
  • Babysitter Goat and King's Majesty because we need a lot of protection. Only 1 Goat because you can send one from the skill.
  • And because Majesty is Limit-3, we playing 2 Secret Order to revive Normal Gaia with high atk and immunity to Widespread.
  • Dragon's Inferno because we playing a lot of Dragons in this.
  • Negate Attack and Buffered Slime are self-explanatory. You can replace NA for Widespread if you are not afraid of decks that can play around it.
  • Forever Freeze to mainly ***** over Dragons or decks that play AGG.
  • Combustion Crisis is for the mirror, and the extra burn is nice to have.

And to finish everything off, here is a list of replays from the climb against the following decks:

  1. Machine Goodstuff
  2. Gaia Metarion
  3. Cyber Dragon
  4. Voidvelg
  5. Dragons
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