Black Luster Soldier

King of Games from on May 26th, 2024

Notes & Combos

-forgot to update the deck with the evil eye links. fuse line & dinomischus are here as a versatile option against backrow (or samsara..) and monsters at the same time (since turn 1 with mst/lance set is very easy to break). Full backrow hate against monsters like sunsaga including punch-in-the-box for testing powerful battle traps instead of using needle ceiling (which synergizes with serziel equipped with selene) but it doesn't pop monsters with protection and it's funny to leave a monster with 0 atk against a 3000 atk truck. That card got me the victory in the last duel also vs neos yubel. BoM never gave me good results, 2 evil eye traps works incredibly well, and I forgot that you can use handtraps in BLS so you can perfectly replace punch-in-the box with 2 artifact lancea in ladder

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