
King of Games from on May 30th, 2024
Gems 18k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is 100% KOG worthy. Very versatile with alot of counterplay. It's not an easy deck to disrupt. If you know how to play the deck you can win 8/10 duels easily.

3 Emerald birds for her discard effect paired with Bujin XYZ mill effect is really strong for setting up your board for more XYZ summons 2 crimson fox is a must for me. her 2 effects are useful over 80% of the time and shes a lvl 4 for XYZs (remember her effect can activate when detaching a material from your XYZ - this goes for emerald bird as well) 3 chick is self explanatory, her effect is a cost means it can't be negated in order to mill cards u need in the grave 1 purple butterfly is useful for when you open with 1 chick and emerald bird. mill butterfly summon emerald for free gives you more options if you dont start off with tiger 3 tiger, tiger is for XYZ summons and combos, if you cant summon her you can always brig her back to the field in defense (when shes destoryed she brings a lunalight back to field 3 wolf for fusion self explanatory (dont forget she also has a useful monster effect too for piercing dmg) 2 sheep is self explanatory 2 marten is enough she is super useful for bouncing cards back to your hand (you can activate tigers effect more than once per turn!) 1 storm isn't necessary. it was used in 1 out of every 10 duels. even if they have alot of backrow, this deck is strong enough to bait out all the backrow before bringing out your boss monster 90% of the time. you need to know how to bait it though. once you understand the deck its easy to bait

extra deck: i didn't have arc dragon your boss monster is leo dancer she is an OTK 99% of the time. she is only really weak to attack point hand traps and arc rebellion but this extra deck gave me more than enough flexibility.

for matchups im going to credit hataki99 here: Against Blue eyes: going 1st /try to end up with evilsworm + Bujinte xyz goning 2nd / try to bait the spells then go for Leo Dancer or Arc rebellion (if u have it) for OTK .

Against Phantom Knights/ try to make Dweller + Evilsworm it's a GG for them .

Against sky striker/perfomage/Altergiest/shaddoll/ try to make Leo Dancer turn 1 they have a hard time dealing with her .

i will add sunavulon is easy all you need is bujinte & nightmare they can't do much then turn 2 you go into boss monster and u can negate their effects with fist brotherhood XYZ

focus on the OTK and you should win! good luck! :D i have more replays if needed just ask!

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vs Performage vs Phantom Knights vs. Sunavalon/Sunseed vs Altergeist vs Blue-Eyes