Noodle Ninja

King of Games from on May 20th, 2024

Notes & Combos

Getting the 5 game win streak probably took a year off my life. Kept facing Maximum Overload again & again, what a pain!

I like to play aggressively, so I maxed out on Fiery Blaze. You usually make your big push in 1-2 turns, so getting hit by traps like Negate Attack can cost you the game. It's also great whenever you can hit Legend Spells that were set.

A small note: you can activate Fiery Blaze even when they have no backrow, just to burn for 300. That actually came up a handful of times for lethal!

The worst card is probably Noodle Art of Roastery. I used 2 for the longest time, and sometimes I did need both copies to clear the board. But it always felt bad to open & it's usually dead until very late game, if you make it that far. 1 Roastery & 1 Talismanic seems right for the most part.

Until Gold 5, I always played around Music Princess's Recital, but never played it myself. I kept losing a lot, so I snuck it in. You need something to protect you besides Negate Attack, because backrow removal is everywhere. I think it's become more popular than actual trap cards!

Archfiend Soldier is the optimal choice over Vorse Raider of course, but paying 950 gems for 300 defense points is ridiculous! 1500 DEF definitely makes a great turn 1 to keep a body on the field, tho. It would have saved Vorse from destruction a bunch of times. I'll save the bundle until there's a Rush box I want to fully clear.

Overall this is a pretty fun deck! Extra Spice & Fiery Blaze were the cards Noodles needed to be a good competitive strategy. There's actually a lot of unreleased Pyro monsters in Rush Duel, so this deck has the chance to become a lot better in the future. The Deck Build Box gets a thumbs up from me! 👍

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