Phantom Knight Burning Abyss

King of Games from on May 10th, 2024
Gems 21k + $90
30 cards

Notes & Combos

KOG for month of November. Same style of play mostly as previous months.

Turn 1 strategy is to get into Beatrice with as many resources in the grave, even better if you can get a set Phantom Knights Wing for destruction protection and attack boost to get Beatrice to that sweet 3,000 number.

Turn 2 strategy is a little more flexible, you can either use BA names to go in and pop backrow, or be passive and go into Dante to mill. Once the pathway is clear you can use your PK names to go into break sword and climb to dark requiem. Virgil is good for the grind game but most decks have outs to the Beatrice float so watch for that.

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