
King of Games from on November 10th, 2023
Gems 63.5k
24 cards

Notes & Combos

There are some things I'd like to mention about this deck:

  1. A third "Evil★Twin Ki-sikil" would be much better; I just don't own a third copy.
  2. Personally, I found the "Evil★Twin Present" to be bricky for me, therefore I removed it.
  3. I don't own "D.D. Crow", "Chaos Dragon Levianeer", or "BLS - Envoy of the Beginning", but you can easily KOG without them.
  4. I used "Evil★Twins Ki-sikil & Lil-la" to OTK and to discard for "Paleozoic Dinomischus" and "Live★Twin Home". 4400 ATK incredibly useful.

Good luck everyone!

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