
King of Games from on November 22nd, 2023 • 8 comments
Gems 54.5k + $11
25 cards

Notes & Combos

Well here it is folks, waited for the new skill, Red-Eyes Reverse then went on with the run. Some thoughts about the new skill:

  • You remember how annoying it is that REBD gets in your starting hand as a brick? Now, you WANT to have REBD in your starting hand every, single, time. Summoner's Art is an excellent choice here.
  • REBD is your new starter, if second, it let's you instantly have Chain so you can threaten key enemy monsters, bait a backrow, so you can safely deploy your big fusion bois. On first turn, you'd want REBD with Chain and a Slash along with some backrows.
  • You cannot special summon non-RE monsters from the extra deck, and that's kind of a bummer. We have lost Mana Dragon, so Konami, could we at least get Meteor instead of the brick Impact? Also don't expect to do anything with that Summoned Skull/Beast of Talwar, we still brick but at least that's just two garnets now, both are prime picks to return to the deck via the skill.

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a year ago

Correction: You cannot special summon non-RE monsters from the MAIN deck

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a year ago

I think people are confused because the skill text says it excludes monsters from the extra deck the effect AFTER it says you cant special summon anything but red-eyes. Skill has awful wording for some reason

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a year ago

"-and you cannot Special Summon monsters except "Red-Eyes" monsters. Also, you can change the battle position of Red-Eyes Black Dragon the turn you have Normal Summoned it in face-down Defense Position (excluding Special Summons from the Extra Deck)"

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a year ago

Well this looks great, its so good to have a skill that helps you so much at bringing out your fusion monsters, i wish i had something like this for my archetype, also i expect to see new RED EYES CARDs in the next box, even red eyes metal dragon in a limited to 1 bundle naa just kidding HAHA, nice deck bro!

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a year ago

LOL no, unless it goes like, a skill that changes your vanilla REBD then we're talking, otherwise it will have problems with Fusion. The new skill mostly helps in grabbing Chain for at least one interruption, and I'll be confident in saying that RE players will take whatever new stuff we can grab lol.


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a year ago

Red-Eyes players (me) actually crying tears of joy from getting one SINGULAR drop of sauce

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a year ago

Think that more players are seeing the good in the buffed skill now. And yeah LOL even I was so happy when Roulette was changed to a guaranteed S/T

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a year ago
