
King of Games from on November 19th, 2023
Gems 54.5k + $75
25 cards

Notes & Combos

We dodge the banlist once again, Good Stuff! Anyways Rokket is a solid option in the meta and its invulnerable to Konami xD. It has a good matchup against BLS, and against everything else it depends on what you open. Usually if you open good going first, is really hard for you to lose. Your bord can go from Evilswarn Nightmare, Void Ogre and a backrow to set everything, or in this version: void, tracer, rapid trigger, and a backrow. The last board is really good because you can chain your tracer to rapid trigger and pop the newly summon Rokket to extend your plays for next turn, and have a pop with furious dragon. Going second, try to bait as much as you can with everything that you don’t need for your main combo or even bait your tracer’s destruction to revive it with boot sector if they have a monster, and go from there.

The deck is so much fun because it allows you to build it however you want. You can make it more of a control deck, a fusion beatdown or something in between.

Here are Some tips:

  • Don’t be afraid to use your links borreload save me this season so much the not targeting steal is amazing specially with lunalights, and so many big monsters running around.
  • Also, booster’s effect to revive came up so much, I destroyed it with tracer to get a Rokket and revive a furious to pop a card and then use furious to revive booster to go into Borreload. it’s just great.
  • if you are going second do not rush sometimes just setting backrow and taking it slow is the better play.
  • Try not to destroy boot sector unless it is absolutely necessary, the field spell is your best way to recover I played against another player running 2 and he beat me because of that, maybe you can try it and see if you like it (I was too afraid to try it :^)) .
  • You can use Ice Dragon's prison just as an extra body for tracer or a simple attack.
  • Use quick launch after you summon your tracer if you can, for an extra body with its effect.

Main Deck:

  • run mst instead of cosmic if you can, I felt that life points were really important.
  • Warning Point best trap negates and no extra deck plays, amazing.
  • I took book out for bottomless I think is better against all of the big monsters.
  • No more needle ceiling it bricks too much, and instead 2 necro fusion with one rapid trigger to dodge, extension and overall, really solid.
  • I like having 10 Rokkets because when I had 9, I ran out of monsters too many times (having 3 limit 3 backrow was nice, so choose carefully!!)
  • Boot sector.

For the extra deck:

  • Two Furious, this one is amazing this format, plus having two makes the deck more consistent. Also, red dragon is not that great with so many normal monsters.
  • Draco is your main beater and is really good against synchro bears, tenyi, bls, and twins.
  • Evilswarn is great is an extra disruption with ogre on the field and is your only play sometimes.
  • The spider is amazing. The best part is how it has just exactly lethal with any of your rokkets and dillingerous from the graveyard, always remember the spider as an option.
  • The links are really good. For example: if you need to out a big monster just steal it with borreload dragon. A monster can't be destroyed, no problem use your effect on magnarokket and send it to the grave, you hate pendulum just banished their card from the extra deck. Even metalrokket is good sometimes :p.

Have Fun :)

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BLS Magikey Twins Tenyi (I was trying 2 into the void it brick to much after the first two turns) Lunalight going first Lunalight going second Blue-eyes Yubel