
King of Games from on November 6th, 2023
Gems 16k + $8
30 cards

Notes & Combos

There is not much to say the deck is pretty simple, but there are a few things worth mentioning.

  • For starters, my previous version only had 2 sevens road and 2 witch and it was good but inconsistent triple of both is the way if you have the gems.
  • If you want a more free to play version play at least 2 sevens road and two witch replace the ones missing with dark magician and dark magician girl (dmg) or wonder splat if you don’t have dmg.
  • I tried running a version without wonder splat but you really need every level 6 that you can get for the skill, I believe 8 lvl 6 mons is good.
  • If you don't want to buy the third copy of windweaver replace it with another fire/wind spellcaster which ever you like or an extra wonder splat.
  • The deck really needs life point advantage, if you go first set everything and try to leave only sevens road or witch in your hand for the next turn. if they set everything as well and you don’t have windweaver in hand, just set what you can and pass otherwise do big damage.
  • Going second is the same as last point if they set everything pass your turn unless you have wind weaver.
  • turn 4 is when you can get your sevens road to hand, but hopefully you already drew him, so you can save that effect for later.
  • Activate your monster effects after you use your ability it is very important.
  • kuribot could be really important in some scenarios for card advantage, if you don't have 3 is better to play something else.
  • there is only one good trap in the game and is good against this deck. Always pay attention on how many spellcasters you have in graveyard.
  • use recovery force if you have a sevens road in grave to recycle or you feel the trap card.
  • try to do as much damage as you can every turn and don't trade monsters is better to just put them in defense

Have fun :)

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#DuelReplay Going first (in turn two I did NOT activate the ability before the monster effect xD pls do NOT be like me) https://duellinks.konami.net/att/00342ec4cc2dd2d4fb9b40fe5d88fbf6eaacbfa63a #DuelReplay Going second the waiting game! https://duellinks.konami.net/att/012cbe51d57943dc3973a0baecf7612faaa43c55d0