
King of Games from on October 9th, 2023
Gems 62k + $75
25 cards

Notes & Combos

Rokket is still a pretty good deck sometimes inconsistant but good. Your best board is Evilswarn Nightmare, void ogre, a back-row, and your field spell for follow-up. Nevertheless, that doesn't happen all the time, sometimes you end with void and 3 backrow, evil and monsters, just backrow and a set monster, you get it do what you can.

Some tips:

  • if you are going second do not rush sometimes just setting backrow and taking it slow is the better play.
  • Try not to destroy boot sector unless it is absolutely necessary, the field spell is your best way to recover.
  • You can use Ice Dragon's prison to meet the conditions of needle ceiling or just as an extra body for tracer or a simple attack.
  • Be careful against Endymion the normal summon use your toggle on every time you see it.
  • use quick launch after you summon your tracer if you can, for an extra body with its effect.

Main Deck:

  • This time to run mst instead of cosmic, because this season I felt that life points were really important, I can't tell you how many times I won with less than 1000 LP.
  • Warning Point best trap negates and no extra deck plays, amazing.
  • I brought Book of moon because of BLS, Dingirsu and void ogre, so it is easier to break their boards.
  • Also, just one needle ceiling and necro fusion. 2 NC were bricking too much and mirror is sometimes clutch for some aggression.
  • I like having 10 rokkets because when I had 9, I ran out of monsters too many times

For the extra deck:

  • One Furious is all you need very good to recover and for extra protection as well.
  • Void ogre is your main disruptor.
  • Draco is your main beater against bls and is really good against synchro bears, tenyi, and Orcust.
  • Honestly, Red Dragon is not that great, it does not come up often. You can replace it if you don't have it.
  • Evilswarn is great is an extra disruption with ogre on the field and is your only play sometimes.
  • The spider is the MVP, really! it is amazing how it has just exactly lethal with any of your rokkets and dillingerous from the graveyard, also really good against Tenyi and bls.
  • The links even though you don't use them often they are really good. For example: if you need to out a big monster just steal it with borreload dragon. A monster can't be destroyed, no problem use your effect on magnarokket and send it to the grave, you hate pendulum just banished their card from the extra deck. Even metalrokket is good sometimes xD.

Have Fun :)

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