
King of Games from on October 26th, 2024
Gems 75k + $74
30 cards

Notes & Combos

  • If you have more Droplets, play up to 3

  • D.D. Crow is super strong against almost any deck

  • If going second, almost always try to use Sauge to bait resources before comitting a normal summon; this is one of the biggest strengths of the deck

  • Make sure to summon Ecclesia at the very end of the combo to not get locked out of the extra deck

  • Two main combo lines:

  1. Literally any normal summon - 3rd effect of skill summons Sorciere - 2nd part of skill Summon Necro and reduces either Necro's or Sorciere's level by 1 - Synchro into Wolfrayet (super important to make sure to summon it to a MAIN MONSTER ZONE)- Necro Effect summons Loci - Link it off into Dryas - Dryas adds Sunvine Sowing - Activate Sowing to summon Sunseed Twin - Twin effect summons Loci from GY - Link all 3 into Melias - Melias summons Loci - Link the 2 into Benghalancer.

  2. (Worse combo overall, but can be good situationally) Any level 4 normal summon (make sure not to use her effect if it's Dogmatika Ecclesia or you'll be locked out of the extra deck) - 3rd skill effect summons Necro - Synchro into Stardust Charge Warrior - Necro effect summons Glow-Up - Synchro into Clear Wing - Use Glow-Up effect in GY to bring it back - from there you can either go for Chevalier if backrow is a problem, or use 2nd part of skill to send Glow-Up for a Sorciere as a beatstick (or if you have Fleurdelis in your hand, you can special summon it and use it with Sorciere to go into Dingirsu).

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