Super Quant

King of Games from on October 16th, 2024
Gems 46k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

This meta is probably the worst one to be playing Super Quant exclusively.

This deck does great against Lyrilusc going 1st if they didn't open Crow or Veiler... unless they opened enough to OTK you on the spot.

No, a lot of what people are playing stuff that just invalidates this deck from being playable. From a lucky birds player having enough, to handtrap galore, to some decks just maindecking Nibiru and Kaijus which basically is an automatic lose 9 times out of 10. It's just not good at all.

I had to play both Lyrilusc and Zombies just to climb to Legend 5 because attempting to even reach Legend 3 was impossible with Quants due to how this meta is just hyper-focused on killing birds which include cards that also kills Super Quants.

Also this deck going from having a difficult time to go 2nd to outright unable to go 2nd without any backrow hate because of Book of Eclipse... Can we just agree that adding Eclipse to the game was a massive mistake? How come Hey, Trunade is still banned because it enables easy OTK against control decks while Eclipse does the same but against monster-heavy combo decks? Same with Dark Hole as that was proven in Agents meta but Eclipse feels worse because it just invalidates a lot more decks going first or second. Basically a win-button unless you "out-staple" your opponent which... Let's be honest here, that just sounds awful, to play an unholy amount of strong staples to stand a chance (This is not the TCG, fellas). If Lyrilusc dies next banlist (Let's be real here, birds should not be alive in anyway, shape or form), please ban Eclipse. Not limit-1, just outright ban it. If getting rid of backrow is too much, getting rid of monsters is also too much, specially now.

Anime recommendations to remove that sour taste of my mouth: Armored Fleet Dairugger XV! You might know it as Vehicle Voltron, but Dairugger is a fantastic sci-fi show that I recommend a lot. Good characters, great writting and conflict and fun action set pieces. It's great!

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Only replay from this season I had worth sharing is this one with 9 mats Great Magnus with the Chronicle effects applied to it.