Infernoble Knight

King of Games from on September 3rd, 2024
Gems 63.5k + $11
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Fleur Infernobles are still going strong in the current meta, and I imagine they'll continue to be strong unless the Fleur skill gets hit because they (theoretically) have advantageous matchups against all of the new archetypes that are getting released in the next box. In ladder games I still really like being able to sack boards going second with Dark Hole, as it triggers your Necro Fleur summon and potentially sends an opponent's monster to GY for Sorciere to steal. It can also give you free wins against floodgate setups and Darkfluid boards that would otherwise be very difficult to deal with.

Since last month I swapped in handtrap Roland because there are opening hand combinations that you absolutely need it for when trying to make an optimal endboard while still ending up with Veil in hand. I added Chevlier de Fleur this month because it's a fantastic anti-backrow tech that you can make going second without any fear of being interrupted before it hits the field. Zero Dragon Trishula will probably take that slot next month specifically for the Lyrilusc (and Windwitch) matchups.

The biggest trouble I had when laddering was with opponents going second who used super high ATK monsters that can OTK in one hit through Veil. Leo Utopia Ray and Arc Rebellion are very dangerous for Infernobles to deal with and one of the reasons players are teching them in decks that can run them is specifically to help with this matchup. Raviel can similarly OTK you with the Shimmering Scraper handtrap boost. Your negates and Charles pop need to be on point to remove these monsters or prevent their effect activations before they enter the battle phase.

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